It is the belief of the institute that we encourage the public in the practical use of hypnosis and hypnotherapy.
Practicle Lessons in Hypnotherapy
Hypnotism is the practical science of our age, it enters into our every day life and confers advantages that cannot be acquired through any other medium.. It practices is no longer a mere pastime for amusementand sensation; as professional men of the highest standing now recognise its value and seek to profit by its benefits and scientists regard it as a natural power, for ages kept dormant but apparently destined to perform an active part in the welfareand development of future generations.
To study hypnotism is like trying to fathom the hidden mysteries of magic and human miracles and making them matters of absolute knowledge. The possibilities are almost boundless and are interwoven with every phase of human life and its powers are largely responsible for the successful termination of modern business and social undertakings.
It does not require years of study to become a hypnotist, for this great blessing to mankind is a natural endowment possessed by practically everyone and capable of being developed by all who will devote to its study the patience and energy always so necessary for the development of natural talents.
The rewards are great for those who follow the persistent study of hypnotism; for it is a science that bestows upon its devotees a power that seems almost superhuman, it overawes everyone who witnesses its indisputable facts and its marvellous manifestations. It overthrows the theories of judges and philosophers and theologians and shakes the faith of material scientists in their preconceived opinions.
It supplants the physician and the surgeon and cures the afflicted and deformed, whom they pronounced beyond the hope of recovery.
It breaks the chains of demoralizing and destructive habits, it comforts the sorrowing and brings peace of mind to those distracted by the perplexities of life, it abolishes periods of time and extents of distance, it makes the lame to walk and strengthens the weak and causes the raving maniac to become docile as a little babe, it checks the hand of death and snatches almost from the grave the grim destroyer’s victims, it loosens the tongue of the stammerer, overcomes the self-consciousness of the backward and tempers the impetuosity of the rash enthusiast.
To mankind, in every walk of life, it is a blessing… Leading his inmost thoughts to higher and nobler things; developing his powers to plan and to execute, and giving him social, financial and intellectual eminence among his fellow men. All this and more is HYPNOTISM
William Wesley Cook, MD. 1901